Durrough’s content became the base of study materials. Durrough’s materials and after reading through the information, I knew it “felt right” to purchase the study materials and exams, when I did not experience the same emotions compared to other materials. I read through the information and this was EXACTLY what I needed!” I was looking for a neurology book to help me study for the NCS exam and your link was one that appeared. “I honestly stumbled upon the NCS Advantage in an internet search.

I am so incredibly thankful for Rehab Knowledge Advantage and I look forward to benefiting from additional educational resources as they expand!”īoard Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist, 2017 Additionally, I would also encourage any clinician practicing in the neurological setting to consider participating, simply as a refresher and resource for maintaining a high standard of practice. I would confidently recommend this prep course to anyone studying for the exam. In addition to providing an appropriate and thorough review of the neuroanatomy and neuroscience as it relates to neurologic dysfunction, it also provides practical and evidence-based clinical information, with a patient focus that allows the information to be easily applied in a clinical context. It is more than simply exam preparation, however. The resources and information are easy to navigate and any questions and concerns are answered in a timely and effective manner.| It provides both organization and unmatched resources to a process t hat can otherwise be overwhelming. “T he N C S Advantage has been terrific and I cannot imagine preparing for the NCS exam without it.